40+ Awkward Elevator Moments Caught by Security Cameras

Originally published on our site everydaymonkey.com

Love it or hate it, taking an elevator is a must if you live in an apartment building or work in a building with a dozen of floors, but it can lead to some strange situations. We’ve all had an awkward exchange with our neighbors or stood there in silence before reaching our floor, but these people took things to a whole new level.

From pulling both silly and terrifying pranks to throwing parties and dancing their hearts out, the people caught by security cameras will make you see elevators in a whole new light. We dare you not to take the stairs after witnessing these wacky elevator moments!

Elevator Music

You know that feeling when you’re missing elevator music so you have to create it yourself? This group of policemen from New Zealand feels your pain, and they decided to fill the silence with some sick beats.

Elevator Music

Their music skills are next level, and they seem like such a fun bunch that we wouldn’t mind seeing them star in a Kiwi spin-off of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. They would really give Jake Peralta and his squad a run for their money with their silly shenanigans.

Disappearing Act

Some people avoid riding elevators at all costs because they find it scary, and it’s not hard to understand where they’re coming from after watching videos of this elevator prank with a disappearing floor.

Disappearing Act

LG was looking for a way to promote their realistic monitors and what better way to do it than scaring the hell out of people? The elevator floor was replaced with screens and the illusion they created looks straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Wedding Party

No matter how much planning you put into your wedding, some things won’t go according to plan. Getting stuck on an elevator before heading to the ceremony is one of the unexpected emergencies that can ruin your wedding—but only if you let them.

Wedding Party

That’s what happened to Liz Copeland and Harry Stein. Their wedding party of 24 people got stuck in an elevator but they made the best of it—they were laughing along and taking selfies instead of panicking, and they were free to go to the wedding 30 minutes later.

Scared to Death

Riding in an elevator can be stressful enough on its own, because you’re stuck in a small and enclosed space, fearing it might malfunction at any point—but imagine if you were left with a coffin inside?

Scared to Death

A group of people got scared to death after this happened to them. To make things worse, a man pretending to be a corpse fell out of the coffin in the middle of their ride. We just hope they could laugh about it later.

Elevator Horror Story: Hotel

One of the best things about staying at a luxury hotel is that the staff always makes sure that you’re 100% satisfied with your experience. At some of them, you don’t even have to press buttons in an elevator, because there’s a nice guy there to assist you.

 Elevator Horror Story: Hotel

This guy did the exact opposite and scared guests by wearing a creepy face covering. Maybe he was just getting ready to audition for American Horror Story: Hotel, but he shouldn’t have done it at work.

Sparks Flying

There are couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, even inside an elevator, and that seems to be the case with these two. Not sure if they made up after a fight or haven’t seen each other in months, but their love hasn’t died out.

Sparks Flying

Sparks were flying between them, but the lady stopped things from going too far by giving her bae a note. Whatever it said, it must’ve been really good.

Originally published on our site everydaymonkey.com